Voici les sources de notre texte sur la continence précoce

Crowley, T.; Goldmeier, D.; Hiller, J., (2009), Diagnosing and managing vaginismus, BMJ, vol.338(b2284), 225-229, doi : 10.1136/bmj.b2284

Engeler, Daniel S.; Baranowski, Andrew P., Dinis-Oliveira, Paulo; Elneil, Suzy; Hughes, John; Messelink, Embert J.; …; Williams, Amanda C., (2013), The 2013 EAU guidelines on chronic pelvic pain : is management of chronic pelvic pain a habit, a philosophy or a science? 10 years of development, European association of urology, vol.1, 431-39, doi : 10.1016/j.eururo.2013.04.035.

HASLAM Jeanette, LAYCOCK Jo, Therapeutic management of incontinence and pelvic pain, pelvic organ disorders, 2e edition, London, British, Springer, 2008, 301 pages.

Hawton, Melnik T.; McGuire, H., (2012), Intervention for vaginismus (review), Cochrane Database systematic review, aucune pages, doi : 10.1002/14651858.CD001760.pub2.


Syndrome de douleur pelvienne chronique (suite):
Montenegro, M.L.L.S.; Vasomcelos, E.C.L.M.; Dos Candido, Reis F.J.; Nogueira, A.A., Poli-Neto, O.B., (2008), Physical therapy in the management of women with chronic pelvic pain, International journal of clinical practice, vol.62 (2), 263-9, doi : 10.1111/j.1742-1241.2007.01530.x.

Tu, Frank F.; As-sanie, Sawaan; Steege, John F., (2005), Musculoskeletal causes of chronic pelvic pain : a systematic review of existing therapies part I, obstetrical and gynecological survey, vol.60 (6), 379-385, www.ncbi.nlm.nib.gov/pubmed/15920438.

Tu, Frank F.; As-sanie, Sawaan; Steege, John F., (2005), Musculoskeletal causes of chronic pelvic pain : a systematic review of existing therapies part II, obstetrical and gynecological survey, vol.60 (7), 474-483, www.ncbi.nlm.nib.gov/pubmed/15995564.

WISE, David, Ph.D., ANDERSON, Rodney, M.D., A headache in the pelvis : a new understanding and treatment for chronic pelvic pain syndromes, 6e édition, Californie, National center for pelvic pain, 2012, 581 pages.


Vestibulodynie et vaginisme:
De Belilovski, C., (2013), point 2013 sur les vulvodynies, gynécologie, obstétrique et fertilité, vol.41, 505-510, doi : 10.1016/j.gyobfe.2013.06.008.7

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Van Der Velde, J., Laan, E., Everaerd, W. Vaginismus, a component of a general defensive reaction: an investigation of pelvic floor muscle activity during exposure to emotion-inducing film excerpts in women with and without vaginismus. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct, 12 (2001), pp. 328–331.

Norman, S. Fertal MD. Vaginismus: A review. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 3:2, 113-121.


Éjaculation précoce
A. L. Pastore, G. Palleschi, A. Leto, L. Pacini, F. Iori, C. Leonardo and A. Carbone. A prospective randomized study to compare pelvic floor rehabilitation and dapoxetine for treatment of lifelong premature ejaculation. International Journal of Andrology, Vol.35(4), pp.528-533. 2012.

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Pastore, A. et al. Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation for Patients with Lifelong Premature


Ejaculation: a Novel Therapeutic approach.


Dysfonctions érectiles
Claes H, Baert L. Pelvic floor exercise versus surgery in the treatment of impotence. Br J Urol 1993; 71: 52.

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